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    A more conscious view on Career Coaching...

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    No more Google searching 

    No more trying to reverse-engineer other people's careers

    No more piecing together outdated strategies


    The Conscious 9 to 5 course gives you that system. FAST TRACK your success by working with someone who has been where you are and can hand over the system, resources, and tools to get the results you want.

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  • Hi, I'm Janelle!

    broken image

    7 years ago I had a family emergency that wouldn't allow me the time and energy to give my all to my "dream job". I realized my family and mental health needed to come first and the only way I can be there for them was if I had the income and the flexibility to show up for them. Learn what I had to change to do exactly that...

    You don’t have to go through the trial and error process of finding the right job. I’ve tested everything so you don’t have to. You can learn the strategy from someone who has been receiving 6 figure flexible job offers and contracts for 7+ years.